AuctionGate | Logistic CRM system - Loading of customer documents

The page provides a function for downloading documents for customs. To do this, click on button .

Figure 1 - Lot page

Pafter which the window “Customs documents”, in which fill in the client’s name, surname and document number, then select the file to download by clicking on the button  (Figure 2, Pointer 1). To save, click on the button “Save”

Figure 2 - Window “Customs documents”

As a result of the actions performed, information about the downloaded file will be displayed in the “Customs documents” (Figure 1, Pointer 1). To download the uploaded document, click on the button , then select a location to save the file and click "Save"

If you need to delete a document, click on the file , after which a window will open in which to confirm the deletion, click on the button "Yes” button to cancel - "No". To send a document to a broker, click on the button , which will open the window ”Send mail to broker" To send the document, click on the button "Send" (Figure 3).

Note: To send documents, the broker must have an email address.

Figure 3 - Window for sending a letter to a broker

The same actions can be performed through the deal modal window in the section “Customs documents” (Figure 4, Pointer 1). 

Figure 4 - Modal deal window



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